Best Practices Book Club Explores the Book 1922

By Dr. Michael Campbell

The book 1922: The Rise of Adventist Fundamentalism chronicles the Adventist engagement during the Fundamentalist-Modernist conflict. This intersection had a huge impact upon Adventism, especially as Adventist thought leaders leaned heavily toward Fundamentalism. At the same time, Fundamentalism held its own latent dangers, especially a tendency to become militant and lean toward a rigid and inerrant way of interpreting inspired writings. It also held significant implications for race relations and the role of women in ministry. 

Campbell argues that Adventists were misfits in this wider movement. Most notably, Adventists who believed in the seventh-day Sabbath and Ellen White’s prophetic ministry never did really fit in. As a consequence, Adventists would view themselves as the “true” Fundamentalists, or even as the “Fundamentalists of the Fundamentalists.” This book provides a helpful primer about this Fundamentalist intersect, following up on his previous book, and providing a helpful guide into the aftermath of the 1919 Bible Conference.  

Join your fellow pastors in the North American Division for a discussion that explores Dr. Michael Campbell’s book 1922.


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