Pastor Appreciation Toolkit (pt.2)

Pastor, we are keenly aware that it’s terribly awkward (and even potentially self-serving) to coordinate your own appreciation celebration. However, think of it this way: It is part of your responsibility to create a culture that is healthy and wholesome while you serve, and to help ensure that it will remain long after you’re gone. The previous toolkit along with the following tools will help usher your church toward a meaningful celebratory practice. Here’s what we recommend: Find the person who is most supportive of your ministry, and gently share this with them, encouraging them that this is a healthy activity that the church should provide for every pastoral family that serves. It’s not about you. It’s about creating meaningful practices that will prove to enhance the culture and overall health of the faith community. Thank you for all you do. We pray they will take this opportunity to acknowledge the important work that you do, and the ways that your family supports you.

10 Appreciation Ideas for Your Celebration:

  1. Encourage members to purchase or be given blank greeting cards to write a special note to each pastoral family. This could be a “card shower” of love and thanks.

  2. Give special recognition during the Divine Service, including a special PowerPoint or video presentation highlighting the pastor(s) and family(ies). Special guests from the Conference, Union, NAD or surrounding community officials could give a proclamation and/or special remarks. Your recognition could include special presentations by ministry leaders, gifts, plaques, flowers with pictures and a special write up in the local newspaper, and/or be placed on Social Media.

  3. Host a super texting day or week where selected members are scheduled to send heartfelt messages of how he/she has touched their lives every hour, during certain hours of the day.

  4. Host a dinner/banquet and have a “this is your life” or “celebrity roast” event. You could add a “red carpet with the paparazzi experience” to add some special pzazz. (Like the Tony Awards and they will feel like true celebrities.)

  5. Plan a church picnic to celebrate special time with the pastoral family.

  6. Schedule a special time of prayer to pray specifically for your pastors and families. This can be an on-going commitment and you can pray for good health, financial stability, bless and enlarge his/her territory, their ministry, their relationship with God, Godly wisdom and a servant leader philosophy, their marriage and family relationships, etc.

  7. Share gifting ideas with members that could include: a money tree, gift certificate to the Adventist Book Store or a local Christian book store, restaurant, car wash, spa; bed and breakfast weekend. iPad, Kindle, sports equipment or tickets to a game to their favorite team. A special offering could be taken or money set aside in the church budget for a tangible monetary blessing.

  8. “Sweets for the Sweet” after service reception.

  9. Give a gift certificate to a local store for purchasing a new outfit.

  10. Share coupons for practical things to assist the family as, cutting the lawn, washing the car, a day of errands – grocery shopping , picking up cleaning, pick up the kids from school

The possibilities are endless, even with a limited budget, or no budget, God can bless the pastoral families through your expressions of love in whatever way it is given.

More Tools

While October is Pastors Appreciation month, you can appreciate your pastor all year round. Here are some suggestions:

*This is just a few ideas but if you search the internet, you will find many, many more ideas. There a so much more resources to assist you as you plan for blessing and nurturing your pastoral family(ies). Here are some websites that provide ideas and information for Pastor Appreciation Month:

  1. Small Church Ministry: This site provides 11 great ideas for Pastor Appreciation, perfect for small churches. It includes budget-friendly ideas like Cards of Appreciation and a Prayer Calendar for the Pastor & Family.

  2. REACHRIGHT: This site offers 6 fresh ideas on how to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month. It includes planning a special service or event in their honor, giving them a meaningful gift, and having the children in the church make cards/gifts.

  3. Happy Home Fairy: This site rounds up a list of 10 fun ideas your family can do together to give back to the one who gives so much to you.

  4. Sharefaith Magazine: This site provides 20 ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month.

  5. Lifeway: 10 Gift Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month

  6. Donorbox: This site offers 10 effective ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month to honor clergy members and families.

  7. Ministry Jobs: This site offers over 50 creative ways to bless your pastor and staff.

  8. Bless Your Pastor: This entire site is dedicated to creative ways to show appreciation to pastors and their families.

  9. Awana: This site provides 30 ways to celebrate pastors in October, no matter your budget.

  10. Church Answers: 8 Things I’d Love to Receive for Pastor Appreciation Month

Thank you again, for taking part in the ministry of blessing and nurturing your pastoral family.

The time that is dedicated to investing in your pastoral family will create an atmosphere that promotes a warm and caring environment and at the same time minimize ministry stress and unrealistic expectations. Cherish your pastor’s Christ-like characteristics, their strengths , talents, and special God given gifts as a priceless asset for your congregation. Do all you can to discourage grumbling, poisonous humor or a negative spirit. Your pastor(s) and family(ies) is/are human, just like we are and we want to encourage compassion, empathy, loyalty and foster personal renewal and restoration for a continued long-standing positive relationship as we all work together and strive to make Heaven our home.


NAD Ministerial Association


Thank You Pastor!


Pastor Appreciation Toolkit (pt.1)