February 14th – Valentine's Day

Small Groups: Guide your small groups to cover love and relationship issues for a few weeks. There are plenty of resources, and people always need relationship tips and advice. 

  1. Memorable Marriage Moments: Allow a few couples with lasting marriages a chance to share their stories and secrets during your February services or through video testimonies on your website or social media.

  2. Love a Family: Choose a specific family or group to show love through action. Gather volunteers, resources, or finances to help the family with their needs.

  3. Decorate cupcakes for seniors: This idea is excellent if you have many seniors in your church or if you decide to visit a nursing home. Ask each child to frost a cupcake and sign Valentine's cards. You will need volunteers to pick up and distribute those items to the seniors. You could bake or solicit unfrosted cupcakes from the parents and involve the adventurers and pathfinders in decorating them with their families at their homes.

  4. Romantic Dinner: Your Family Ministries can oversee a romantic dinner for the couples of your church at the church's fellowship hall or a local restaurant. Invite couples from your church and community to participate. Having a good message, playing games, and renewing their vows are all great ideas. 


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