Next NAD Ministerial Book Club Explores Mark Dever’s Classic, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church

What is a healthy church? Mark Dever explores this question and more in his book, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (first published in 2000 and now in its fourth edition in 2021). One must recognize what a healthy church is in order to become one. This has become even more critical in light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic as church members have become especially divided over politics and vaccines, among other things.

For those who are familiar with the original book, in this new edition Dever makes some important changes that make room for two new marks. This current list includes: (1) expository preaching; (2) Gospel Doctrine, (3) A Biblical Understanding of Conversion and Evangelism; (4) A Biblical Understanding of Church Membership; (5) Biblical Church Discipline; (6) A Biblical Concern for Discipleship and Growth; (7) Biblical Church Leadership; (8) A Biblical Understanding and Practice of Prayer; and (9) A Biblical Understanding and Practice of Missions. In earlier editions, chapters 2 and 3 (titled “Biblical Theology” and “The Gospel”) are combined as a new chapter titled simply “Gospel Doctrine”; and chapters 4 and 5 (titled “Conversion” and “Evangelism”) are combined into “A Biblical Understanding of Conversion and Evangelism”. New material is added in chapters 8 and 9 listed above that emphasize both individual and corporate prayer, and the importance of the church as involved in local and global missions.

The author, Dever, founded the 9Marks organization to help plant and grow healthy churches. While various pastors may wish to tweak the list, the nine characteristics are certainly excellent indicators of health, and therefore, growing churches. “The health of the church,” he challenges readers, “should be the concern of all Christians, because it does involve the spiritual life of everyone who is a Christian and a member of a Church, especially of those called to be leaders in the church” (pg. 274).


Please join us on June 6 at 1 pm eastern time for a discussion with the author and a panel of pastors. Register here


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