Why I Said Goodbye to 24-Hour News Channels

2.5 years have passed since we decided to stop watching 24 hour news channels in our house. It's been amazing! Let me share our experience, it may not be yours, but it's been a blessing for us. In fact it's been one of the BEST decisions we have made as a couple. 

1. Less anxious (me). Less upset (Kathy). We found ourselves enjoying life more. During the pandemic, I saw someone for my mental health. After we stopped watching the "news" channels we had more peace of mind. I can get information in healthier ways without compromising of my.

2. Kathy and I asked ourselves, are we, consumers or creators? We made a concerted and intentional switch to produce more and consume the madness, less.

3. The never-ending news feed on humans' worst traits is toxic. The same people fight on TV and go get a steak after the show. Meanwhile, the audience is left in a rage that the next show fuels and on and on. I decided to go out to eat myself instead of paying for other peoples steaks.

4. I was frustrated with keyboard warriors that used talking points from their favorite talking heads to foment some more talking while not engaging the real need. I am not sure about you, but I know people close to me with big words and small acts. I decided to help more and watch less.

5. I saw no space for nuance, questions or healthy disagreement from other people who had a steady diet of MSCNNOX etc. If you are not 100% in line with my views then you are the spawn of Satan…or the child of Satan. Not really sure which one.

These are my thoughts. Take care of your mental health and stay engaged, active, and helpful. There are some core issues that I stand on and will never move. Those are mine to share, or not. But when everything is a core issue, nothing is. I don't want to be so enraged with trivial matters, that I can't engage effectively when it matters most.

Roger Hernandez is director of Ministerial and Evangelism Departments for the Souther Union Conference of SDA.


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