Who's Disciplining YOU?

By Tara J. Vincross

I'm captivated by the interchange between the woman at the well and our Savior, Jesus. In this conversation in the heat of the day, Jesus reveals Himself to her, and she becomes an evangelist to the whole city, until the entire community ends up believing in Jesus because of her experience with Him.

I invite you to remember Jesus' words to her. "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water … whoever drinks of the water that I will give will never thirst; but the water that I will give will become in you a well of water springing up to eternal life" (John 4:10, 14).

When we experience something deep inside of us, this experience becomes a spring, pouring over into the lives of those around us. We witness this in her life, and the way so many people came to faith in Jesus on account of her experience. Her experience led others to Jesus.

Pastor, we cannot share what we are not experiencing.

Her witness about Jesus came from an authentic place. She had just experienced Divine love, acceptance, and truth. From this place, the overflow of her life produced fruit.

Where are you experiencing Divine love, acceptance and truth?

Who knows your struggles?

Who in your life sees you for who you are and loves anyway?

Who prays for you?

Who is holding you accountable?

This is a call to practice what we share with others, what we ourselves know to be true.

We need stillness with God (Psalm 46:10).

We need community (Acts 2:42).

We need accountability (Hebrews 10:24-25).

We need worship (Psalm 100:2, 96:9)

We need grounding in powerful love God has for us (Romans 8:35, 37-39)

Three months ago, I knew I needed to get back to increased daily movement and weekly exercise. It's easy to let life and late-night meetings keep me from the level of moment that I need to function at my best. (Any other people who are full time pastors and full time parents relate??) Do you ever find this happening to you? "I'll do it tomorrow" compounds into a longer pause than you intended, and routines and healthy habits get broken.

Two things helped me get back to the level of movement that was needed in my life.

This first is the advice, "Never miss two days in a row." This one simple phrase means I can miss one day, but I won't miss two. This keeps me on track.

The second, and more important thing that helped me, was accountability. One of my mentees started asking me questions weekly, and then daily, about what I was doing do stay healthy. I started taking her questions seriously and texted her each day what I did to workout. I'm telling you, some days when I was exhausted after a long day and evening meetings, what got me motivated to workout was knowing that I needed to text her how I was caring for myself in this way.

Who is coming alongside you as you care for your body?

Your mind? Your heart? Your relationships?

You can only lead others where you yourself are willing to go.

There's a parable about a baker in France who started doing so well in his business that he had lines of people outside his shop each day. Earlier and earlier each day, people would line up for bread and baked goods. The baker got up at 5am, then 4am, then 2am. Soon, the baker wasn't sleeping at all, just baking bread. One morning, they found the baker dead. The autopsy revealed the startling truth. The baker died of malnutrition. While he was feeding others, he forgot that he needed to take in nutrition for himself.

We cannot share what we are not experiencing.

We are called to love. We are called to make disciples. We are called to bring the water of life and the bread of life to those who are thirsting and hungering for real life.

And, we must make sure we are experiencing what we are offering.

Like the original apostles, we are called to go and make disciples (see Matthew 28:19-20). This is best done from a personal experience that overflows into the lives of others. As the proverb says, "The one who refreshes others is themselves refreshed" and the reverse is also true, "the one who is refreshed will refresh others" (Proverbs 11:25).

Friend, what does discipleship look like in your own life?

Who can you reach out to today to be a part of your growth as a disciple?

This could look like asking for accountability.

This could mean getting a meal or drink with someone as you share honestly.

This could mean setting aside a few hours or a day to spend with Jesus, drinking from the well so you yourself are refreshed.

What one thing can you do today?

This is my prayer for you:

“that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:17-19).

Tara VinCross, DMin, serves as the senior pastor of Azure Hills Church in Grand Terrace, CA.


Discipleship — We Need It Too


The Disciplers We Often Ignore