When your church hits rock bottom

Jose and Volunteer Lay Pastor, Patty Crouch reflect on the story of revitalization of a small church in the town of Perry, Florida. They talk about how Jesus died for people, not for suit and ties and the importance of serving the community right where they are. Patty also shares how serving as a Volunteer Lay Pastor has been one of the most rewarding, exciting, fun, and also heartbreaking, frustrating, and exhausting missions she has ever been on.


Patty Crouch served as Volunteer Lay Pastor for the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and has since become a role model for Volunteer Lay Pastors all across North America.


Connect with Jose Cortes Jr. through our website nadministerial.com or Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) @josehcortesjr


Present Truth Only Through Present Trust


Revitalize your community, not just your church