The threat of losing the millennial generation grabbed the attention of NAD leadership and in 2013 they launched ‘Young Adult Life’, an initiative to study and find options for engaging Millennials.  This quarter’s edition of CALLED magazine focuses on the status of young adults in the NAD.
The initiative commissioned Barna Research to study Adventist young adults to discover how good of a fit the Adventist Church was for them.  Adventist young adults responded to the report with suggestions how to improve the fit.  Allan Martin and Clint Jenkins share a vision for engagement. Shane Davis, Angelo Grasso, Anna Romuald, Trevis Moorly and John-Mark Steubing all share the results of their experiments in local congregations, Adventist campuses, and secular universities.  Nathan Brown shares a General Conference initiative that gets young adults out of church and into the community for one day a year.  ‘What keeps young adults in the church?’ is an NAD commissioned study of one congregation that has an exceptionally high retention of young adults. Finally Roy Ice shares some innovative evangelistic tools developed by Loma Linda University Church designed by and for young adults.

CALLED takes advantage of the digital magazine format which pulls the best media features from print, video, graphics, and social media to create a unique experience for pastors. Current platforms supported include Android, iPad and Kindle.  There is also a pdf version for those who don't have access to an electronic tablet device. The magazine is available at no charge to download courtesy of NAD Ministerial. To access the magazine users should go to the app store for their tablet and do a search for ‘NAD Ministerial.’ This issue is entitled CALLED 1Q15. Click this link to subscribe on an Apple powered device, or this link for a Google Play device, or click here to download the pdf version for your computer. For more information contact Dave Gemmell.

1Q15: Young Adult Life Featured in CALLED Digital Magazine for Clergy